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A Genealogist In The Archives: May 2024

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Archival File Folders: A Genealogists Best Friend

Recently, I was asked "Do you really need to use archival file folders, can't you just use regular file folders?".

Actually, I get this question all the time and I love answering it!

I work in an archive everyday at the Houston County, TN. Archives & Museum. We use tons of archival file folders when we are processing record. They are a staple archival material for our archives and should be a staple for every genealogist.

File of Records, Houston County, TN. Archives

You have been entrusted with your family documents, photographs and ephemera. Think of all the people that came before you that had these records and have passed them down in the family and now they are your responsibility.

Placing our most precious family records in archival file folders is important for the preservation of those records and the information contained in those records.

Archival file folders are a great records preservation tool to house original records safely so they are not damaged. Regular file folders that are not archival contain acidic chemicals that will eventually damage your records.

Correspondence Records, Houston County, TN. Archives

Archival filed folders come in different sizes to accommodate the different sizes of documents in our collections. The most frequently used sizes are letter size and legal size.

These can be purchased at any online archival materials store or on Amazon.

Letter Size Amazon Link:
Legal Size Amazon Link:
Example of 1" tab on archival file folder

It is also important to get archival file folders that have a large tab for writing information about the documents inside the folder. I generally recommend genealogists get the archival file folders that have the 1-inch tab which provides ample room for writing dates and descriptions of what is in the folder.

Options of how to file the folders is entirely up to you. Using archival boxes, such as a Hollinger box (shown below), adds an additional layer of protection for your records. Putting the folders in filing cabinets is not ideal but is quite acceptable.

Archival Hollinger Box Amazon Link: 

Example of Hollinger Box

So, why use archival file folders? Because we want to preserve our family records so they survive for future generations to enjoy!



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Thursday, May 2, 2024

Preservation Week 2024!

The week April 28-May 4, 2024, is Preservation Week!

Many libraries and archives are having programs and events highlighting how we can preserve our documents, photographs and artifacts and our history. If we don't save and preserve our family records, they will not be there for our descendants. 

This years theme for Preservation Week is Preserving Identities. You can read all about it at the Preservation Week webpage:

What can you as a genealogist do during Preservation Week and all year long to extend the life of your most precious documents? Here are some tips:

  • Store genealogical and historical records in areas where the temperature and humidity do not fluctuate to extreme. Keeping records at a regular temperature and low humidity will prolong the life of genealogical records.
  • Minimize handling of genealogy records. Digitizing as many records as possible will allow you to safely store the records and not handle them.
  • Store all records in archival safe document sleeves, file folders and boxes. 
  • Do not store records or display them in direct sunlight. The sunlight will fade any documents or photographs to the point they can not longer be read or seen.
These are just a few tips to get you started with preserving your most precious genealogical and historical records. If we take the steps to preserve our records, our descendants will be very grateful.



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Scrap Paper and Orphan Documents in Archives